Pediatric Occupational Therapy Services
Function First Therapy, LLC provides occupational therapy services for children birth through young adult in the natural environment of the child's home. Therapy is child and family centered with the main goal being to help your child increase participation in valued occupations.
Occupational therapy can help your child reach and progress through developmental milestones, promote school readiness skills, enhance participation within your child's school environment, and assist your child with gaining independence in daily living, social, and play skills.
What skills does OT address?
Motor Skills (fine and gross motor)
Visual Skills (oculomotor, visual percpetion, and visual-motor)
Social Skills
Sensory Processing
Emotional Regulation
Executive Function
Self Care Skills
What occupations can OT help my child with?
Activities of Daily Living (bathing, dressing, toileting, feeding, personal grooming and hygiene, and functional mobility)
Independent Living Skills (cooking, cleaning, financial management, community mobility)
School or Work
Leisure and Social Participation
What strategies or programs are used?
The Zones of Regulation
Beyond Behaviors concepts
The Whole-Brain Child concepts
Beckman Oral Motor
Handwriting without Tears
Yoga and Mindfulness
Biomechanical techniques
Neurodevelopmental techniques